- To promote Amber’s Holistic Law Model as a new method and measure of "success" for lawyers as you learn to harness your individual power and learn how to work in alignment with your life mission and soul purpose.
- To teach lawyers how to practice law "holistically" and support and empower clients throughout the positive resolution of their legal or mediation process. Many clients need to heal underlying issues which led to their legal problem or dispute and/or issues that have arisen because of their legal problem or dispute.
- To awaken lawyers to the possibility of working in a higher level of consciousness within existing methods of Alternate Dispute Resolution and Legal Practice. Some examples of practicing law outside the adversarial process include Holistic Law, Therapeutic Jurisprudence, Restorative Justice, Family Group Conferencing, Earth Law and other peaceful methods. These methods can be applied by all lawyers, no matter what area of practice you are in, across the globe.
- To inspire our clients in conflict, or with legal problems or disputes, that is in crisis, to find a peaceful win/win solutions and to empower their transformational journey to clarity, peace and healing; thereby elevating social consciousness.
- To positively transform systems of legal education, law and policy by awakening students, lawyers, clients, judges, court users and law and policy makers by creating educational products for law students and by clearing and creating channels for the practice of heart-centred law and justice.
International Alliance of Holistic Lawyers
Promote peaceful advocacy and holistic legal principles.
Encourage compassion, reconciliation, forgiveness, and healing.
Advocate the need for a humane legal process.
Contribute to peace building at all levels.
Enjoy the practise of law.
Listen intentionally and deeply in order to gain complete understanding.
Acknowledge the opportunity in conflict.
Wholly honour and respect the dignity and integrity of each individual.
Amber Turner BSc (Hons) LLM,
Founder Amber Law.